La mesure devrait aussi avoir un impact sur le bruit. Minime cependant, avec une réduction de 1,7 décibel pour les véhicules légers et 1,2 pour les poids lourds, «peu perceptible pour l’oreille humaine», selon Bruitparif.
The measure should also have an impact on the noise. Minimal however, with a reduction of 1.7 decibel for light vehicles and 1.2 for heavy, "little perceptible to the human ear", according to Bruitparif.
The measure should also have an impact on noise. However minimal, with a reduction of 1.7 dB for light vehicles and 1.2 for heavy vehicles, "barely perceptible to the human ear," according Bruitparif.
The measure should also have an impact on the noise. However minimal, with a reduction of 1.7 decibels for light vehicles and 1.2 for the heavy weight, "little perceptible to the human ear", according to Bruitparif.